Wah Parah! Kedubes Qatar Salah Sebut Presiden Joko Widodo Jadi 'Goku Widodo'

Wah Parah! Kedubes Qatar Salah Sebut Presiden Joko Widodo Jadi 'Goku Widodo'

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www.gelora.co - Gara-gara salah sebut nama Presiden Jokowi menjadi Goku Widodo, Kedutaan Besar Qatar menjadi sorotan para netizen. Sedangkan Goku merupakan nama tokoh utama dalam film kartun berjudul Dragon Ball.

Kenapa ini bisa terjadi? Rupanya kehebohan itu bermula dari akun twitter bernama Prepaid Courtesan‏ @jauntyallegory yang menggunggah sebuah screenshoot sebuah agenda resmi dari Kedutaan Besar Qatar pada Selasa (24/10) dini hari.

Nah, di screenshoot tersebut tertulis bahwa nama Goku Widodo adalah Presiden Republik Indonesia. Padahal seharusnya tertulis Joko Widodo. Salah penyebutan ini terjadi saat agenda World Islamic Economic Forum di Jakarta pada tanggal 2-4 Agustus 2016.

"Dokumen rencana rahasia pelengseran Jokowi bocor, ini nama yang digadang-gadang jadi penggantinya," tulis akun bernama Prepaid Courtesan‏ @jauntyallegory pada Rabu (25/10) malam.

Bahkan di halaman resmi Kedutaan Besar Qatar juga tertulis Goku Widodo seperti yang dikutip dari laman mereka di bawah ini.

'His Excellency the Ambassador visited the headquarters of Kompas newspaper, the largest newspaper in Indonesia 01 August 2017

Within the framework of the communication with official, parliamentary, partisan, media and press organizations, His Excellency the Ambassador Ahmed bin Jassim Al-Hamar met with Mr. Bodiman Tanuridjo, editor-in-chief of the Kompas daily newspaper in Indonesia, and a number of his assistants.

His Excellency the Ambassador reviewed with them the importance of media and explained to them the Qatari viewpoint and position towards the crisis of the Qatar blockade and answered their questions. His Excellency the Ambassador praised the Indonesian media coverage of the crisis and their commitment to neutrality. Furthermore, His Excellency the Ambassador praised the Indonesian official position, represented by the President Goku Widodo, who made contacts with His Highness Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who held several contacts with Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani.

His Excellency the Ambassador welcomed the cooperation with Indonesian press organizations and institutions in general and the Kompas newspaper in particular, and expressed his willingness to work together in providing them with any material necessary and to answer any queries about the State of Qatar. Mr. Bodiman appreciated the Ambassador's keenness to communicate with the Indonesian media and his keenness to provide a direct source for understanding the Qatari position.'

Meski demikian akun @Kazhim mencoba untuk mengecek penulisan Jokowi-sapaan Joko Widodo, ke dalam mesin pencari google yang menerjemahkan bahasa Arab tersebut.

"Kayanya tulisan Qatar kalo ditranslate emang jatohnya jdi Goku Widodo?," tulisnya menjelaskan hasil terjemahan tulisan arab Joko Widodo menggunakan mesin penerjemah google. [tsc]
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